

38 Uppsatser om Die casting - Sida 1 av 3

Betongarbeten under vintertid : Fokusering på platsgjuten betong

This report is on concrete work during the winter and is implemented on Peab?s behalf. The assignment was to describe the differences between a summer- and a winter casting. While it shows the complications that exists, it also show what aids are available, both electronic via computer and physical aids.The information that I have developed is originally from theory in books, information on the internet as well as practical experience from knowledgeable people that works in construction output. Other theories are those I have learned throughout the education to become a construction engineer, including all oral sources over the years.The results I have come up with, I hope will be able to help future construction projects in the planning phase of a winter casting.

Metallhantverket i Uppåkra ? en studie av ett hantverksrelaterat material

The aim for this essay is to identify and distinguish the metal casting of Uppåkra during late Iron Age by examine related material that primarily consist of finds made with a metal detector. I intend to, by analysing maps, concentrations in the detector material and probable constructions within the settlement, find patterns that can indicate a metal casting activity. The results of the essay show that a number of concentrations can be seen and that they both indicate metalworking activities and to some degree a structural specialization in the settlement. The exclusive artefacts also indicate that Uppåkra was a settlement with over-regional functions when it comes to traditions dealing with metal casting..

Ekonomisk utvärdering av betonggjutformar

This report will try to evaluate the use of rented concrete casting moulds, which are used to build walls and system of joists. The evaluation is only examining the economical aspects.The cost of using concrete casting moulds is a big part of the total production expenses. Therefore it is important that the calculated price not exceeds the final costs of the casting moulds. The calculated price is the price used in the process of making an offer.The evaluation consists of a comparison of the calculated price and the final costs for three building projects. It also evaluates the exploitation of the concrete casting moulds for each project.The report is made by Sven Gynne and Anders Alexandersson at School of Engineering, Jonkoping University, in cooperation with PEAB Jonkoping.

Självkompakterande betong vid platsgjutning av anläggningskonstruktioner

By using modern methods of casting concrete, cast in place can get more effective and industrialized. A modern method is self compacting concrete. By using this type of concrete, advantages like improved working environment and rationalized construction can be reached. Because the concrete doesn?t need to be vibrated, the amount of staff on site and the noise can be reduced.

Produktutveckling av flytbarhetsutrustning

Detta examensarbete omfattar produktutvecklingen av en komponent till en mätutrustning som ska mäta flytbarheten hos smält metall. Arbetet har utförts hos Bryne AB och har lett fram till koncept-, material- och tillverkningsförslag för komponenten. Arbetet har även utvärderat ett för gjuteribranschen nytt formmaterial som alternativ till dagens gjutsand. Tester har gjorts för att se om återvunnet (material x) går att använda som formmaterial till högtemperaturapplikationer..

Tjejer å Tjejer

Tjejer å Tjejer är en dokumentär med ungdomar i åldern 14-17 år som målgrupp. Produktionen har gjorts i samarbete med SVT, Sveriges Television, Växjö. Med filmen vill vi visa unga homosexuella tjejer, eller som de medverkande benämner det flator. Vi vill visa dessa i sina sociala sammanhang. Att vara lesbisk och ung betyder inte att man måste leva annorlunda.

Tjejer å Tjejer

Tjejer å Tjejer är en dokumentär med ungdomar i åldern 14-17 år som målgrupp. Produktionen har gjorts i samarbete med SVT, Sveriges Television, Växjö. Med filmen vill vi visa unga homosexuella tjejer, eller som de medverkande benämner det flator. Vi vill visa dessa i sina sociala sammanhang. Att vara lesbisk och ung betyder inte att man måste leva annorlunda. För att finna våra karaktärer sökte vi i hela södra Sverige.

Åtråvärda objekt : En gestaltning av troféns materialitet

This thesis revolves around my work Desirable Objects, an installation in glass and other materials, which deals with objectification based on female and animal trophies. The topics included are those that have been crucial to my working process; craft, post-colonial studies and European hierarchical dualism, where woman and nature are seen as connected, but inferior. My motivation has been to get a better understanding of underlying power structures, and put this knowledge in relation to my own work. This process has led me to make a full body casting of my own body as a method of self-exploitation, in an attempt to expose myself to a similar power perspective. By making the dualistic connection between woman and nature, I am commenting a phenomenon that in my view has resulted in a similar exploitation of both..

Elitfotbollsföreningars Organisation

The overarching purpose is to describe how elite soccer clubs choose to structure their sport oriented organization. This purpose leads us to questions and areas involving sport managers, casting, operational directions, education and goal setting in sport.The results in this thesis are based upon a qualitative investigation of sport managers in Swedish elite soccer clubs. To strengthen the reliability in our choice of method we will fortify it with theories that reflect methodical choice.Our conclusions in this thesis is that one can see a clear difference in how the clubs choose to structure the casting and operational directions within their organization. We have also noted that there is a clear distinguish between the levels of education amongst sport managers in Swedish elite soccer clubs..

Fixturutveckling : Utveckling och konstruktion av fixtur förskärande bearbetning

This thesis has been performed at International Aluminum Casting AB in Eskilstuna,Sweden.International Aluminum Casting is currently working with a number of improvementsin their production in order to achieve their vision of being the leading aluminum foundry in Sweden. As a step in their improvement efforts, focus was directed ondeveloping the company's fixtures for machining.Efforts were focused on two main objectives: to develop a complete proposal on afixture which leads to a more rational use of an assigned part and also form general design advice for development of fixtures in the future.During the work progress, discussions have been made with experts at International Aluminum Casting within the field of fixture design. The objective was to obtain sufficient knowledge about the underlying problems with the current fixture for the part. At this stage of the thesis, a number of essential criteria for fixture design were produced. Information and inspiration were obtained by examining the company?s currently developed fixtures.After gathering the necessary information the process of developing three different fixture concepts started.

Kvalitetssäkring av stordimensionella gjutgods : Produktion och kontroll av formgjutna komponenter

AbstractA continuous improvement of products and production is an important goal for a modern industrial company. A small engineering group located in Sweden came in touch with the authors of this report during the spring semester of 2014. The aim of this report is, as part of the group´s ambition of improvement, to analyse ways in which the quality of component casted parts can be verified. Non-destructive testing (NDT), and methods to use it for quality control, is the main focus of this report. However, fields such as material standards, component casting and quality engineering are analysed as well.

Kontrollerad gjutprocess för renare stål

In a multi-year project at Swerea Swecast AB studies on influence of dissolved gas on inclusions have been made. The knowledge about these parameters could be used to increase the quality of the final steel casting. The purpose of this thesis was to closer examine the impact of the oxygen level on inclusions.The questions asked were:? What was the amount of inclusions at different levels of oxygen?? What was the size of these inclusions at different levels of oxygen?? What does the inclusions consist of at different levels of oxygen?This was studied by measuring and sampling, sample preparation and microscopic analysis using an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Measurements and sampling was performed at Smålands Stålgjuteri AB in Eksjö and at Swerea Swecast AB in Jönköping.

Gjutfel och dålig ornamentik - Om bronsgjutares hantverksskicklighet under skandinavisk bronsålder.

The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether bronze workers during the Bronze Age were exclusively specialized, or there actually existed amateur craftsmen. Through archaeological experiments and artefact studies I intend to investigate if it has been at all possible for a less experienced bronze caster to produce usable objects. The purpose is also to investigate and put to the test the casting methods used during the Bronze Age in an attempt to find out which steps of the craft are the difficult and crucial ones, and try to determine if it has been possible to manufacture bronze objects on an industrial level..

Inverkan av tvång i gjutfogar och i betongkonstruktioner på
elastiskt underlag: Influence of Restraint in Casting Joints
and in Concrete Structures on Resilient Foundation

In this report, the risk of cracking in joints and/in adjacent concrete is estimated by checking shear forces in joints and the ratio between the actual maximum principal stress ant the actual strength of the concrete. The shear force has been estimated both by simple methods as well as by two-dimensional calculations. The risk of cracking in the concrete and/or in the joints is estimated with the computer program ConStre. The restraint from a resilient foundation or rock on a young concrete construction is estimated by a simple method that is exemplified. It is shown that the restraint can be neglected in some cases.

Förbättrad formfyllning av Polyuretan

Detta examensarbete utförs i sammarbete med ett företag som tillverkar produkter i polyuretan. Syftet med en av dessa produkter är att skydda kablar mot böjande samt axiella krafter. Företaget tillverkar idag denna produkt genom att tillföra gjutmassan underifrån, vilket leder till att gjutmassan trycks upp i konstruktionen. Detta är för att luftbubblor inte ska uppstå. Företaget har dock problem när det gäller tillverkning av produkten då den innehåller mer än tre ton gjutmassa.

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